In for a Penny, In for a Pound

Friday, March 10, 2006

Confusion reigns!

Yes, it now looks like I have TWO, count 'em, TWO, weight loss websites. This is no longer the case- one of them has mutated into a "daily life and musings about the Universe" sort of thing. Thank God, because who the hell wants two weight loss websites?

In my defense, what is now my primary blog (TMWA)was originally intended to be a big secret. I started out posting intensely boring lists of what I'd eaten that day, the results of my weigh-ins, and exercise rundowns. Which was excruciatingly boring, but hey! I was the only one who read it.

Then I fell off the bandwagon big time, but I kept the blog, and just started rambling about random crap un an effort to ignore that my goals had just flown out the window. Eventually, I admitted to one of my co-workers that I had a blog, and the rest, as they say, is history.

I was going to direct people over to a new blog if they wanted to catch up with my daily life, and take back TMWA for my weight loss journey. Upon reflection, I decided that it would just be easier to start posting my weight-related drivel somewhere else. And also to take back my original knitblog, Sweatergrrrl, because while some people are fascinated by botched intarsia attempts and learning to use a spinning wheel and pictures of my yarn stash, the general public will just think that I'm insane.

The big reason is that I thought it would be nice to come up with another, somewhat witty title, that would better reflect the really, really REALLY long road it's been. Which I will probably go into detail about in my next post.

So, if you've happened on my little lair in this corner of the Web, I would just like to say, "Welcome!" And may the force be with you.


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