In for a Penny, In for a Pound

Friday, March 17, 2006

La da dee, la da dummmm

Basic day....

Like I said, I am cruising. Monday is THE big day, and I think I am not going to do much in particular- although my basic plan is to eat lots of lean protein, fruit, veggies, and whole grains, a la South Beach. Not because I think Dr. Agatson is a god, but more because I like eating that way, and let's face it, that's the whole point.

So, eating healthy stuff that I like. Weighing every day (which is the only way I can stay on track, so no talking smack!) Filling the "big-ass mug" with water and drinking it all, every day. Taking my supplements and vitamins. Logging calories in FitDay. Exercising at the gym at least three times a week, yoga once a week, and doing other stuff the other three days if I don't go to the gym. Then there's one "floating day" to just sit on my ass.

Two weeks in, weight training starts. I plan to take my measurements, and yet another "before" photo on Monday morning. I am tossing around the idea to post pics every 10 pounds or so.

My inspiration:

The dress and sash will actually be the same solid wine color.

It's a lovely dress, but I am worried, because the bride is already asking for measurements, and the happy event is at the end of September. Ack! Luckily it's empire- unluckily, I am going to need serious upholstery underneath to hold up the girls, no matter what I weigh, and uh- not only will this dress accentuate my "lovely lady lumps" to the point to parade float ridiculousness, there's also no wrap that I know of, so my upper arms will be on full display. And uh- the bottom is cute, but it's going to hit right at the widest part of my leg.

The evil voice in my mind? Is screaming, "Titsy McStumpylegs!"

Oh my giddygod's trousers.

I am being realistic, and Fitday tells me that if I lose 1.5 lbs. a week, I can make it to my first goal. I know that's possible. I believe in FitDay. I must not panic.

Having said that, it's "guiltless confession" time. I had doughnuts today, and I never want to see them ever again, which should give you the correct idea that I had more than two. Ugh!

I also drank Starbucks- a frappucino. I was going to have pizza for dinner, and now I just realized that the doughnuts were dinner, which means anything with actual nutrients has gone by the wayside, and I will awaken tomorrow starving hungry and miserable.

Holy God, I feel sick. I think I have had more refined sugar today alone than I have eaten in the last three months, and my body is hating on me. I feel like I am coming down with a cold. I'm jotting "AirBorne" down on the grocery list. I need it anyway, if I am going to be working with kids. They're cute little germ carriers, every one of them.

Positive thought for the day! I got THREE compliments today on my new white flowy peasant skirt. Yeeehaw! As well as compliments about my previous eyewear choices. When the ladies at the optometrist's office remember your last three years of eyewear selections (!), you know that your taste in glasses kicks quite a lot of ass.


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