In for a Penny, In for a Pound

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Status Quo

I am down about 4.5 lbs since I restarted- making an effort to eat healthier, but not really dieting. Running should recommence today. I still have 2.5 lbs to go before I get to where my body usually likes to hang out.

I am guessing that the spike in my weight had a lot to do with fertility meds and comfort eating, and just laziness. We were eating out a lot.

The Man and I have had a long conversation about joining a gym hat just opened up down the street. He wants access to an indoor heated pool to swim laps in for work, and i would just use the companionship to obligate me to go- plus I could renew my relationship with My Other Boyfriend, the elliptical trainer.

He also wants me to come up with an "eating plan" for both of us. I am thinking that a modified South Beach may be the way to go, as he refused to give up bread. Usually the stuff he likes (Potato bread- hello!) is the worst possible thing, so I explained that the breads he should get were whole grain, high in fiber, and minimally processed.

Imagine my shock when we went to the grocery store, and he had actually been listening. He went and pulled a loaf of Ezekiel Bread off the shelf, and said, "Well, the Sesame sounds good."

Of course, I haven't actually seen him eat it. But it's a start.

I am also considering signing up for one of those weekly organic produce plans, but I don't want to do too much too soon. Small changes are probably best.

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At 3:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good words.


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