In for a Penny, In for a Pound

Thursday, March 23, 2006

Back to the gym!

Yup. I was bad yesterday, and kept putting off going. So I need to head over there today and tomorrow, and then one day this weekend.

We'll see how my body takes it- I am down another pound today, which I am really in a fantastic mood about. The great thing about weighing every day is that I am getting some idea of the weight loss pattern that my body goes through. Ah, the joys of being a woman and retaining copious amounts of water!

The added bonus is, of course, encouragement. I can't tell you how crazy Atkins made me. I'd go down one pound, up four, down three, up five- day by day. I did it for three months, and I finally came to the conclusion that Atkins and I just weren't meant to be a happy couple. Although, I did drop a jeans size. But I am addicted to my scale, and the fact that I was not getting anywhere made me feel like no progress was being made- even when I logged my calories!

I took quite a bit away from Atkins and South Beach, however. I am just doing an "every calorie counts" kind of deal, where I try to eat less than 1,800 calories a day. I will probably have to adjust that number downward as I lose, but right now it seems to be working great, just counting and logging it all in FitDay!

I eat breakfast, which is some kind of lean protein- just something small to jump-start my metabolism. I have learned the hard way that it I eat carbs for breakfast, I will be hungry all day long. I also try to fill my 64 oz. water jug at the beginning of the day. I am supposed to drink more at my weight, but I'll take what I can get. Maybe I can work up to it in a couple of weeks.

Lunch and dinner are for complex carbs and protein. I try not to eat anything after 8PM- I do crave sweets around that time, but have found that a glass of hot tea or hot water with lemon and a little Splenda seems to kill that. And then I try to be in bed by 10PM. Which ensures that I get my eight hours of sleep, and also kills the late-night munchies which were one of the biggest problems for my night-owl self.

Then with the gym- 4 days of cardio a week- I am just trying to get everything jump-started. Eventually (probably at week three) I am going to add some weight training to the mix. Because, remember, strapless bridesmaid's dress and my big squishy arms do NOT mix.

So there we go, the Jenna Diet and Exercise plan. Because I have to get everything down in black and white, I suppose.


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