In for a Penny, In for a Pound

Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Measuring up....

I finally found the tape measure (buried in one of my knitting bags, go figure!)

OK! I don't know if I am comfy posting where I started from- it's still a little too close for comfort. But I will tell you that, in about a week and a half, I've lost:

7 lbs.

1/2 inch each from: my thighs and calves.

One inch each from: My biceps, chest, and waist.

NOTHING from my neck or forearms (Get with the program, guys!)

However, I have to be consoled by...

THREE!!! freaking inches from: my hips. (Which, it needs to be said, includes a fair amount of tummy.)

Holy crap- no WONDER my jeans are loose! I triple-checked it, just to be sure that I was not hallucinating.

So- how do I count this? Do I count the inches for things that there are two of (like the biceps) twice? I'm so confused. And possibly insane to be worrying about something this nitpicky and lame. And Google seems to share this opinion, because it's giving me nothing. Does anyone know the magic answer? Please tell me!

So it's either: 7 inches, or 9 inches lost. For all of you who think this sounds like a lot- well, I have a LOT of inches to lose! But I feel like I have made a fairly decent start.


At 4:28 PM, Blogger Love said...

Definitly 9 inches. Go with 9.

At 7:45 PM, Blogger jenna sais quoi said...

SCORE! Thanks babe- Hear that internets? We're going with nine.


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